Celebrating the 4th of July…Where? Guatemala!
Mis Amigos,
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July!
I know I didn’t post on Sunday, because, well, it was actually a day to catch up on some Spanish studying, and writing a post on nouns and verbs in Spanish, may not be as descriptive as one would like!
Well today was a great 4th of July celebration. The Seminarians, the Director, Rigoberto, the Student Coordinator, Mirna, the maestras, and the three Priests (myself included) were able to celebrate down here in Guatemala. One of the things that was very eye opening was how the Guatemalan people- Rigoberto, Mirna, and the maestras- adapted to celebrating a holiday that was not their own. It was very humbling because they assisted in the preparations of the celebration, they even served us the ‘American BBQ’ that they even helped to make, and they did a lot to clean up. They joined in singing a number of ‘American songs’, after they had their chance of playing some of their music- and actually being a part of the entertainment.
What this proves is that this is a culture- no, this is a people- that want to make their own home, a home for everyone. ‘Mi casa es su casa’, meaning, ‘My house is your house’. They will celebrate other nations national holidays with them. They are willing to do anything to come together as a family and to celebrate that particular purpose. No matter the celebration, these people, the people of Guatemala, will be there to be a part of the celebration- from pre-beginning to the end. That’s right, they will be the first ones to act when you say, ‘Festividades’ or ‘Celebración’. They may celebrate it in their own way- humble and simple-, but the fact of the matter is they are celebrating it, and learning how to celebrate it.
They realize that they have a culture that is unique and beautiful, and they want to share it with others. But when it comes time to embrace another cultures celebrations, they want to be a part of it- not to make it their own, but to add it to as a part of a communal event- no, not ‘communal’, FAMILIAL!
The Guatemalan people are a family, and it is this ‘familial’ type of tradition that allows them to be who they are- a humble, prideful, joyous, and loving people.
As we say ‘God Bless America’, may we say ‘God Bless the people of Guatemala’ who teach us the bond and unity of family!
God Bless the people of Guatemala that having accepted you as family!