A Saintly and a Blessed Place- Part I

My friends, over this past weekend, I have had the pleasure to learn a little bit about the ‘sanctity’ of Guatemala. What I mean by this, is that the Guatemalan people, especially in Antigua and Atitlan, have a great devotion to Santo Hermano Pedro Bentancour and Bl. Stanley Rother. Both of these individuals, have had some impact on the life of the Faith in Guatemala. Due to the fact that they have had this impact I am going to write two parts- each identifying both of these individuals and their impact in Guatemala.
First, Santo Hermano de Pedro- Br. Pedro was born in 1626 and died in 1667. He wa sa man who lives in through the eyes of the Mysteries of Bethlehem and the Cross. As he was about to disembark for the ‘new world’ he became ill. Through his illness he came in direct contact with the poor, the outcast, and those who were ill and suffering. Once he recovered he consecrated his life to God. Although he was not able to complete his ecclesiastical studies to become a Priest, he was able to profess as a ‘terciario’ or ‘Brother’ at the Convent of San Francisco, which is located in Antigua, and now currently home to the Sisters of Bethlehem. He worked as a Sacriatan and Cuatodian for the parish of Holy Calvary, and visited those who are in prison, hospitals, the infirmed, the poor, the unemployed, adolescents, etc… He was a man whose mission was charity. He built a school, oratory, and an inn for Priests passing through the city. 
His charism was that of Mystery of Bethlehem, and acting in the spirit of the poverty of Jesus as a new born child. As a result he wrote a rule of life that was center around his life of charity which women adopted and used for the education of children, which eventually helped him to establish the Order of the Brothers and Sisters of Bethelhem- where the sisters continue to work in the convent to this day.
He was a man dedicated to prayer, penance, and roles of Charity. One of his most profound accomplishments was establishing a hospital where the poor and suffering, and those who were sick and dying can go and find care. 
To this day, those who visit the Church of San Francisco, who have a an illness or the intention of one who is sick, no matter what it is, have prayed for his intercession and he has interceeded for them- whether it is spiritual or physical. 
Those who have been cured have come to the church and have given either a picture of themselves or an item that reveals that a miracle has occurred. 
One of the most beautiful things about Santo Hermano Pedro, is the amount of charity and love he has shown toward the people he served. Although he was not a Priest, he still exercised his Baptismal Priesthood by caring for the poor and the sick, and those who were marginalized and uneducated. He lived an life that all are called to live by virtue of their Baptism. Not by giving money or things, but actually giving of himself and interacting with this who were most in need. 
As I continue to witness the beauty of the Guatemalan people, although I see many of them in their poverty, I understand that their poverty is their wealth. They have united their poverty with that of Christ’s, like that of Hermano Pedro, revealing that although Christ was poor, he did not need much to be happy, only Mary and Joseph which was the greatest ‘wealth’ that one can have. The wealth of love and charity towards that of others is everything to the people of Guatemala- their greast gift is the gift of giving of themselves, for in their poverty, they have become wealthy. 
May it be through Santo Hermano Pedro’s intercession that we come to share in the poverty of Jesus through those whom we meet especially the poor and suffering in the world. 


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