13th Sunday in Ordinary Time/ Corpus Christi Procesión
My brothers and sisters/ Mis Hermanos,
(Yes a bit late form yesterday, so you will get 2 posts for the price of one day)
Well, I have arrived and not a moment to waste with my Spanish Immersion, and what better way to celebrate my 1 year anniversary as a Priest- today- than experiencing a different culture and Eucharistic Spirituality.
The spirituality of the Guatemalan people is humbling and prideful at the same time. In celebrating the 13th Sunday Ordinary time, the people of the community I celebrated with held a Corpus Christi Procession. We, the Seminarians of the Program and I began with the celebration of Mass, where the Priest asked me to give an impromptu homily. At first, I was taken back, and shamefully saying to myself ‘Shoot, I should have prepared something, a few words in Spanish- this is of course a Spanish Immersion experience.’ However, the Priest, gratefully told me to give a small reflection in English- Whew. Then he asked the other Pries that was with me to give another reflection in English, then he introduced the 15 Seminarians that were with us, AND THEN he gave his own homily. Within his homily, yes I paid attention to what I could get out of it, is that in order to be filled and satisfied in life, one must be willing to follow Christ at the price of everything that one has in order to allow him to nourishing us with himself so that we can experience the greatest joys and happiness.
Then, once Mass we began a 4 hour- YES, a 4-HOUR Eucharistic Procession around this particular section of Antigua. Fireworks are going off, musicians playing their instruments, people chanting and signing, and thousands of people coming to walk this procession with us. The people beforehand payed down pine, flowers, confetti, etc… in order to create a pathway for the Lord. There were about 20 stations or so inside of peoples houses and on street corners, so beautifully decorated. The people decorated the entire village with yellow and white balloons and streamers, banners and flags, flowers, candles, etc… Bells ringing, fireworks being set off, Incense- Yes there was ALOT used (and they didn’t care how much was used by the way) And all for what- THE EUCHARIST. Everyone- young and old, men and women-, thousands of people did this for the Eucharist- Jesus Christ. This expression of Eucharist devotion was unlike anything I have ever seen before. The people were happy, they were proud to have done all the work they did for what- the Eucharist! They see the Eucharist, not as something they receive once a week, or just an ordinary piece of bread; but rather they see it as the source and summit, the center of their lives, their village, and the center of the heart of Guatemala.
Much more can be said, but I will hold off for now.
Today I begin my Spanish classes. Pray for me!
What a wonderful time to be there for this! Sounded wonderful! 🙏