
Showing posts from August, 2022

Blessed Michael McGivney/Beato Michael McGivney

 My brothers and sisters, As I said beforehand- I will continue to use this blog on a regular basis (this week being the exception). I am going to publish here a presentation I gave in PROBIGUA about a Saint or a Blessed. This project was used in order to catechize the maestras of the program, as well as to see how far I have come in the program. It si in both English and Spanish, and the video will be published to the photos drive. Please take a look and see.  The Saint/Blessed I chose was Blessed Michael McGivney- whose feast we celebrate today! BLESSED MICHAEL MCGIVNEY/ BEATO MIGUEL MCGIVNEY   -         “Unity and Charity is our motto. Unity, in order to gain strength to be charitable to each other in benevolence…” o     (Card 1) “Unidad y Caridad es nuestro lema. Unidad, para ganar fuerza para ser caritativo unos con otros en benevolencia…”   -         This quote of Bl. Fr. Micha...

One in Faith/Uno en la Fe

 My friends, I began this blog in order to share with you an experience that some of you may never have a chance to. I have to say, that my time here in Guatemala has born nothing but good fruits- both academically, spiritually, humanly, and pastorally. As St. John wrote at the end of his Gospel, “There are also many other things Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written.” This in a way is true for all of us who experience something, and only share a small amount- that is in a way what this blog has done- given you a taste, just a taste, of what another culture is like.  However, let me remind ourselves as to why the blog is titled ‘One in Faith/Un en la Fe’- “I titled this blog ‘One in Faith’ in order to express that no matter the race, ethnicity, culture, diversity, color of skin, or wherever one may be in the world- we are the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. We are unite...