Blessed Michael McGivney/Beato Michael McGivney
My brothers and sisters, As I said beforehand- I will continue to use this blog on a regular basis (this week being the exception). I am going to publish here a presentation I gave in PROBIGUA about a Saint or a Blessed. This project was used in order to catechize the maestras of the program, as well as to see how far I have come in the program. It si in both English and Spanish, and the video will be published to the photos drive. Please take a look and see. The Saint/Blessed I chose was Blessed Michael McGivney- whose feast we celebrate today! BLESSED MICHAEL MCGIVNEY/ BEATO MIGUEL MCGIVNEY - “Unity and Charity is our motto. Unity, in order to gain strength to be charitable to each other in benevolence…” o (Card 1) “Unidad y Caridad es nuestro lema. Unidad, para ganar fuerza para ser caritativo unos con otros en benevolencia…” - This quote of Bl. Fr. Micha...